Vortrag von Christoph Hassler | Impulse-Events im Rainhaus

You are not your user, but who are you?

During prototype tests and in-depth interviews, we focus on users. That is also a good thing. However, one influencing factor is often forgotten: ourselves

No person is able to perceive something without subjective coloring. In this presentation, Christoph Hassler takes this simple insight as an opportunity to remind us, as UX professionals, that at UX user research We should also consider ourselves as influencing factors.

Christoph Hassler

Wer ist Christoph Hassler?

Christoph Hassler places students as lecturers at Macromedia UniversityHow design can be used as a strategic tool.

In addition, the founder and managing director of H:DEI and in this role, helps companies establish a culture in which both customers and employees feel they are in good hands.